



化学合成成分で安価なビタミン類、サプリメントは、かなり危険だといえます。その理由は、「サプリメントの嘘、サプリ業界の裏! 良いサプリの選び方。」に記載したとおりです。

そこで、ちょいと市場調査をして、安全で高質なサプリメーカーはどこかを調べてみた所、以下の会社・ブランドは、どうやらQuality Assuranceに力をいれているようです。

  • Naturally Plus
  • Garden of Life
  • Country Life
  • Mega Food
  • New Chapter
  • Now 

ただ、これは、会社側が言っているだけで、例えば Country Life社では、中国も含む世界中から材料を輸入していて、例えば、ピンポイントで、「この製品のビタミンBの材料の輸入先は?」と訪ねても、「世界中から」というのみで、明確な返答が得られないのと、Quality Assuranceのデータはリリースしていないということなので、Qualiryの「証拠」となるものは何も提供されていないというのが残念です。

ですので、私は、ビタミンCとBに関しては、Naturally Plus社と、Garden of LifeのVitamin Codeの、確実に中国製の成分が入っていないものを摂ることにしました。


  • ビタミンD (シアトルや北欧など日照時間の少ない地域に住んでいる人は特に)
  • ビタミンB (副腎疲労や、ストレスの多い人は必要です)
  • ビタミンC (抗酸化作用があり、風邪を引いたりの時には補強)
  • DHA/EPA (体内で貴重な働きをします)
  • ルテイン (目の健康のため。普段から目を酷使しているのと、老化してきているため)
  • 水素水 (これは、全員とるべき)




  • Vitamin D3 (Gel): Country Life (Non-fish liver source)
  • Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C (Capsules): Garden of Life (Natural Vitamins)
  • Vitamin Code Raw B-Complex (Capsules): Garden of Life (Natural Vitamins)
  • Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D complex: Country Life
  • Krill Oil (Gel): Kirkland (DHA/EPA from Krill)
  • Super Lutein (Gel) : Naturally Plus
  • Hydrogen Water : Auter/Naturally Plus


  • メーカーの製品管理がしっかりしているようす
  • 安全性に気を使っているようす
  • 吸収しやすく、体に優しく、自然なフォーム
  • 中国製の原料は使用していない
  • Other Ingredients (その他の成分)にも、安全な成分のみが使われている
  • 凝固剤を使わず、カプセルかジェル

ちなみに、CostcoブランドKirklandの Vitamin Dと、Luteinのサプリメントは、含有成分に問題があることから、お勧めしません。

スーパールテイン (Super Lutein) 

スーパールテイン (Super Lutein) は高額ですが、材料が非常に高質なこと、Lutein、Zeaxanthin の他、5種類のカルテノイドが含まれていて、一度に必要な栄養素が過不足無く自然な形でとれることを考えれば、1成分ずつサプリを購入するよりも安心、かつ安価という結論で、毎日とっています。自然から抽出された成分で、合成物質ではありません。特に、カルテノイド、DHA、EPAは酸化し易い成分なので、Formulateする過程でも注意が必要な成分です。


  • ビタミンB2
  • ビタミンB1、B6
  • β-カロテン、α-カロテン(⇒ビタミンAとしての栄養機能食品)
  • ビタミンB12
  • ビタミンE
  • ルテイン、ゼアキサンチン
  • リコピン
  • α-カロテン、β-カロテン ※1のビタミンAの回答と重複します。

「スーパー・ルテイン」の製造工場は、『健康食品GMP』『米国cGMP』で製品の品質、そして 『ISO22000』で製品の安全の認証を受けております。また、全ての原材料の重金属等検査等を実施、安全性の確認が取れたものを使用しており、随時製品の異物混入検査等もおこなっております。

アメリカで、スーパールテイン (Super Lutein)を注文されたい方は、こちらからネットで注文できます。

日本、または、海外(150カ国) で IZUMIO を注文されたい方は、ご連絡ください。登録サイトを連絡させていただきます。

Garden of Life - ビタミンB群、ビタミンC




iHerb では、定期的にセールをしたり、ポイント還元もあるのでお勧めです。また、日本人による日本語でのコメント・レビューも見ることができるので、参考になります。

  • iHerb ビタミンC、ビタミンB

Garden of Life に問い合わせた時にいただいたお返事は以下のとおりです。

Thank you for your email and interest in Garden of Life‘s products.  All of the ingredients that are included in our Vitamin Code formulas (aside from AlgaeCal RAW and Red Algae) are sourced and manufactured in the USA.  AlgaeCal RAW washes up on the pristine shores of South America and the Red Algae is sourced in Ireland.

We offer whole food supplements and do not use synthetics in our formulas.  The vitamins and mineralsincluded in our Vitamin Code formulas are delivered in a whole food form as RAW Food-Created Nutrients.  The vitamins and minerals are produced through a fermentation process prior to going through Grows process as described below.

We “grow” the vitamins via our proprietary dual cultivation process using yeast and probiotics.  This process utilizes a single isolated vitamin or mineral that is fed to the yeast or probiotic.  A specific peptide designed for that particular nutrient is then introduced in order to allow the nutrient to be metabolized (or absorbed) through the yeast’s cell wall.

This process mimics nature, just like when a plant takes an inorganic mineral salt that is naturally occurring in the soil (selenium for example), and absorbs it into its roots, the plant becomes rich in selenium.  This process is conducted with two distinct organisms – S. cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) and L. bulgaricus(probiotic culture used in traditional yogurt recipes which is non-dairy).  RAW Food-Created Nutrients are delivered “body ready“.

Garden of Life, LLC.
4200 Northcorp Parkway, Suite 200
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

Country Life ー ビタミンB群、ビタミンD3、カルシウム

Country Life, Coenzyme B-Complex, Advanced


Country Life, Coenzyme B-Complex Caps,


Country Life, Vitamin D3, 1000 I.U.、2500 I.U.、5000 I.U.



iHerb では、定期的にセールをしたり、ポイント還元もあるのでお勧めです。また、日本人による日本語でのコメント・レビューも見ることができるので、参考になります。

  • iHerb ビタミンD3、ビタミンB群


iHerb: $16.46 (2017年1月15日価格)

Country Life に問い合わせた時にいただいたお返事は以下のとおりです。

At Country Life, integrity is our #1 ingredient.  Every product is rigorously tested to ensure it measures up against Country Life’s 5 Integrity Standards:  1) authenticity 2) cleanliness 3) freshness 4) consistency of the formula and 5) accuracy of labeling.  We call this our Pledge of Integrity.  Our industry is constantly under scrutiny, and we wanted to take this time to reinforce our commitment to this Pledge and assure you that we will never relax our standards so that we can continue to uphold the trust that consumers have in our brands.  We take this trust very seriously.

Country Life’s approach is to build quality into our products at every step of the production and distribution process.  Our fully trained production staff works closely with the Quality group to ensure that every ingredient listed on our bottles actually meets label claim.  Oversight of the entire process is provided by our Quality group which includes scientists, chemists and quality assurance specialists, working to fulfill our Pledge to you.

Even before a new ingredient can be brought into our facilities, every ingredient must pass our thorough qualification process.  To meet our standards, each ingredient must be supported by proper documentation that may include certificates of analysis, other certifications (e.g. non-GMO, gluten free, USDA Organic), process flowcharts, ingredient specifications and test results.  The ingredient is further subjected to our own internal testing processes to verify the accuracy of the supplier data and its conformity to the various label claims on the Country Life product label.  Only after the Quality group is fully satisfied that the ingredient conforms to our high standards will the material be approved for use in production.

Every lot of raw material that enters our facility is immediately quarantined until the Quality group has carried out all required inspections and testing.  The Quality group will only release the material for use in manufacturing if it conforms to our exacting standards.  During this raw material inspection process, testing for ingredient identification/purity/potency, as well as the presence of any potentially hazardous materials such as heavy metals and pathogens is routinely carried out.

Manufacturing and packaging of our products is carried out under rigorous standard operating procedures by full qualified staff in a plant built and operated to current cGMP standards as verified by NSF and inspected by FDA.  During the entire manufacturing and packaging processes, a dedicated team of quality professionals maintains oversight.  Our quality control staff carries out analytical testing on every lot of finished product, using many different techniques depending on the material being tested.  We follow current USP (United States Pharmacopeia), FCC (Food Chemicals Codex) and AOAC (American Association of Analytical Chemists) protocols as well as internally developed scientifically sound methodologies.  These include:

  • Near-infrared spectroscopy
  • Ultra-violet-visible spectroscopy
  • Thin layer chromatography
  • High Performance/Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • Chemical identification via USP
  • Infrared spectroscopy
  • ICP-OES/MS Spectroscopy

Our commitment to source the highest quality ingredients does not stop at testing.  We also require detailed ingredient-specific regulatory documents/affidavits from our suppliers.  These are frequently verified by on-site vendor audits by our Quality team.  This group is authorized to disqualify a vendor if the audit indicates failure to meet any of Country Life standards.

Prior to release of the finished product our Quality group at Country Life tests the final products to ensure they conform to product specifications and compliance with product label claims and also carries out a review of all of the data and information collected during the production process.  Even at this final step, if a product does not meet specification, it will not be released for sale.  Raw ingredients and final packaged samples are retained so that we can also do any follow up testing work, if questions arise on product potency, changes, etc.

We are proud to say that all of our current products are manufactured in the USA, the majority of which are made at our NSF-GMP certified facility on Long Island, New York.  Even when we use a third-party contractor to craft a few of our highly specialized products, we conduct a full investigation of their manufacturing facilities to ensure they continue Country Life’s high quality standards.  All of our suppliers have high standards of GMP, which are verified by audits by our internal specialized teams.

Many of the ingredients in our Coenzyme B Complex are scientifically made.

We, at Country Life, take great pride in the quality of our products, the professionalism of our staff and ‘state of the art’ manufacturing and analytical facilities.  Let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

We make every effort to purchase as many products and ingredients as possible from U.S. based suppliers. However some of the raw ingredients may have originated in countries outside of the United States.  , Regardless of where they originated,  all raw materials follow the same high level testing protocols to ensure they contain no harmful foreign materials, and that they contain exactly what is claimed.   At Country Life, we are committed to manufacturing in the United States.