PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) ー 磁気治療器

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) ー 磁気治療器

PEMFは、Pulsed electromagnetic field の略です。

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT)、 pulsed magnetic therapypulse magnetotherapyPEMF など、様々な呼び方で呼ばれています。

PEMF Device は、NASA の科学者 (scientist) Dr. Robert Dennis さんが発明(?)したことに始まって、後々、医療業界でも使用されるようになったようです。ヨーロッパなど多くの国では、一般的に治療に使用されていると宣伝されていますが、実際のところ本当なのか私にはわかりません。





Dr. OZ のテレビ番組:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: How They Heal


By William Pawluk, MD, MSc Board Certified Family Physician and Holistic Health Practitioner; Former Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and University of Maryland Dr. Pawluk is the creator of, an authoritative informational source on PEMFs. He has also authored a book, and appeared and consulted for the media, as well as universities conducting research.

(Posted on | By William Pawluk, MD, MSc)


PEMF Therapy (Best Overview) – from “Beat the Curve” by Brian Tracy (Published on Oct 17, 2015)

PEMF Therapy Review – Why More is NOT Better (part 1 of 2) (Published on Sep 8, 2014)

PEMF Therapy Review – Why More is NOT Better (part 2 of 2) (Published on Sep 15, 2014)

Dr. Garry Gordon discusses the benefits of the PEMF Machine (Published on Dec 11, 2013)

GARRY F. GORDON, MD, DO, MD(H), received his Doctor of Osteopathy in 1958 from the Chicago College of Osteopathy in Illinois. He received his honorary MD degree from the University of California Irvine in 1962 and completed his Radiology Residency from Mt. Zion in San Francisco, California in 1964. For many years, he was the Medical Director of Mineral Lab in Hayward, California, a leading laboratory for trace mineral analysis worldwide.

Dr. Gordon served on the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners for Arizona and is Co-Founder of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM). He is Founder/President of the International College of Advanced Longevity (ICALM) and Board Member of International Oxidative Medicine Association (IOMA).

With Morton Walker, DPM, Dr. Gordon co-authored The Chelation Answer. He is advisor to the American Board of Chelation Therapy and past instructor and examiner for all chelation physicians. He is responsible for Peer Review for Chelation Therapy in the State of Arizona.

As an internationally recognized expert on chelation therapy, Dr. Gordon is now attempting to establish standards for the proper use of oral and intravenous chelation therapy as an adjunct therapy for all diseases. He lectures extensively on The End Of Bypass Surgery Is In Sight.

Currently, Dr. Gordon is a consultant for various supplement companies. He is responsible for the design of many supplements, which are widely used by alternative health practitioners around the world.

PEMF Therapy – 10 Minutes Of PEMF Therapy Education (Published on Nov 12, 2016)

The Best PEMF Device: An Interview with PEMF Inventor and NASA scientist Dr. Robert Dennis (Published on Jun 19, 2015)

Overview of Latest Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Findings (Uploaded on Apr 26, 2011)

Dr Joel Carmichael – President of the North American Academy of Energy Medicine – discusses the technology and latest findings about Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy and intelligent – Magnetic Resonance Stimulation as found on the INSYNC i-SYSTEM by INSYNC Health and Wellness

Dr. Robert Gilliland introduces Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy to Bonita Springs, Florida (Published on Dec 16, 2014) Dr. Robert Gilliland introduces Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy to Southwest Florida. PEMF therapy has many benefits and is well documented in the medical literature.
The Best PEMF Device: An Interview with PEMF Inventor and NASA scientist Dr. Robert Dennis (Published on Jun 19, 2015)

Health Hero Dr. Garry Gordon DO Teaches You About Chelation and H2O2 (Published on Oct 8, 2014)